I started this blog in 2012.  It is now 2018 and I am going to expand on Uriel's Poetry and Prose by adding the channelings I did during this same period in the 1970s.

Maybe some light seekers will find these helpful as they move forward on their Spiritual journey.  And, as I have discovered, forty years later, these words are timeless and understood from many different levels, depending on where you are in your Spiritual development.  Right now, in 2018, the population of light seekers has exploded, and the younger generations are a breed unto themselves, born with an innately higher consciousness.

Lord Uriel, Archangel Michael and Gabriel, Sananda/Jesus and Raphael/Hilarion are some of the beings coming through with messages of peace, love and light, giving descriptions of how and why the light body (or Christ body) is so important to mankind's development. When these words were channeled the MarkAge program, a forty year program,  had been under way since about 1960.  This symbolic forty-year period (1960-2000, and beyond) was known as the Mark Age, or age of marks and signs when all on Earth would know we are entering a new spiritual dimension of love, peace and brotherhood.  That is what these channelings are teaching - connecting with your Creator and knowing that all on the planet, which is going from third dimensional to fourth dimensional consciousness, will eventually come into their light body, or etheric body, or also known as the Christ body,  And when this happens we will have a new heaven and a new earth, and the greatest teacher and wayshower, and the lord of the planet Earth, Sananda/Jesus will return.

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